Five self-care activities to promote positive mental wellbeing this winter
Embrace the darker, colder days this winter by checking out these self care activities to help promote positive mental wellbeing and don't let those gloomy days get you down!
November 25, 2021

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With the cold, darker days finally upon us, for so many it can have a negative impact on how they feel which is why we wanted to share five simple self care activities that will help promote positive mental wellbeing during the winter months.
Stay Connected

The darker winter months can often make it a little difficult to meet up in person after a long day at work. This can make us feel disconnected with the world around us. which is why it is so important to keep in touch with friends and family. Pushing yourself to stay connected with others will help you combat those winter blues one day at a time and who knows, you might cheer someone else up in the process.
Wrap up warm and go outside

Whether its for a stroll with your dog or a jog around the park, wrap up in some warm clothes, go outside and embrace the chilly weather. Exercising is great for both mind and body and can help boost your mood and energy levels. If you are lucky enough to live near a park or forest, nature has been proven to help relax your mind and help you think more clearly. So why not get out and about at lunchtime or invite some friends along for a weekend adventure.

Meditation even for only ten minutes per day can help clear your mind and help you to re-centre. With so many amazing guides and videos on online, we are sure you’ll find plenty of options to suit your needs. Whether it’s after your morning coffee or just before you cosy up in bed at night, we are confident that this will have a positive self care and wellness.
Technology downtime
Why not choose to step away from your devices and take a break from technology for a while. Powering down allows us to refocus our energy on what is most important to us and gives us a chance to reconnect with the real world. Limiting our screen time allows us to take a look at what is happening in our own lives and stop comparing ourselves to others online.
Create gratitude journal
Gratitude journals are a great way to help boost your mood when you are feeling down each day. Writing down how you feel can help you sort your feelings and can allow you to highlight all the positive aspects in your life that make you feel thankful for what you have. Journaling for ten minutes each day can help you be more optimistic and focus on the positive things you encounter rather than the negative. So if you are feeling a little low this winter, grab a journal and start writing down what you are going through.
Self care is so important all year round but we wanted to focus on the winter months as we realise they can often be a little more difficult for people due to reduced daylight and the potentially colder, much gloomier weather.
There are so many amazing ways to mind your mental health and wellbeing and we would love to hear your tips and self-care ideas here at Bon+Berg so please share them with our team. Let us know what helps you beat the winter blues!
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Aoife Jordan
Aoife is a Content Creator + Digital Content Manager here at Bon+Berg with a love for nature, exploring the outdoors + photography.